Configuration Files

LoRa Basics™ Station requires a configuration file named station.conf, which contains settings for the configuration of the Station itself and the configuration of the radio concentrator boards. If the Station has been built to operate multiple v1.5 concentrator boards, additional configuration files (slave-0.conf .. slave-N.conf) must be present as well, where N+1 equals the number of concentrator boards available.

The basic layout of the station.conf file is shown below. In its simplest form, the file may simply contain {}. In this case, all settings will revert back to their default values.

   "radio_conf": { .. }
   "station_conf": { .. }

All of the station_conf fields are discussed in the following sections. The layout of the radio_conf object depends on the type of concentrator design the Station is built for. This is discussed in Radio Configuration.

Logging Setup

Fields related to logging are as follows. (Their respective default values are shown below.)

   "station_conf": {
     "log_file":    "~temp/station.log"
     "log_level":   "INFO"
     "log_size":    10e6
     "log_rotate":  3

log_file specifies the path and filename of the main log file. The default place, ~temp/, is in a platform-specific directory, usually /var/tmp or /tmp.

log_level defines the level to which messages are to be logged. Messages less important than the specified level are suppressed. The value is a comma-separated sequence of one or more log definitions. A log definition is a log level, optionally prefixed with a module name and a colon.

Available log levels, in order of increasing importance, are:


Module names can be inferred from the log messages and are matched. For level names, only the first four characters matter. The matching of both module names and level names is case-insensitive.



The log file will be filled up to a size of approximately log_size bytes. If the log file is full, it gets moved aside and a new, empty, log file is created. The log_rotate field determines how many old log files are kept. If the log_rotate field has a value of N>0, additional old log files ()``log_file.1``, .., log_file.N) will be saved.

The settings in the station.conf configuration file can be overwritten by environment variables or command-line options. Command-line options supersede environment variables. The command station --help lists all command-line options and the respective environment variable names.

The log level of a running Station can be changed using the FIFO file ~/cmd.fifo. If such a FIFO file does not yet exist, it may be created in the Station’s home directory (~/) next to the Station’s configuration files. The desired log level then may be written into the FIFO file as follows:

mkfifo cmd.fifo
echo "DEBUG" > cmd.fifo

Station Identity

A Station’s identity is a 64-bit number. This number uniquely identifies the Station to both LNS and CUPS. While this can be any number, the identity is usually a 64-bit EUI, derived from the MAC of one of the gateways’ network interfaces.

The following two fields control the forming of an identity:

   "station_conf": {
     "routerid":    ID6 | EUI | MAC | "filename"
     "euiprefix":   ID6 | EUI

If a routerid is set, it will be used. If a euiprefix option is set, it will be used as a prefix when deriving the EUI64 identity (e.g., from the MAC address). This allows you to control and separate single radio concentrator boards individually.

Time Synchronization Configuration

Stations support two different methods for time synchronization:

  1. With access to a PPS

  2. Without a PPS

When available, the PPS can come from hardware, or it can be simulated using software by means of a FIFO file. The configuration entry is as follows:

   "station_conf": {
     "gps": "DEVICEFILE" | "FIFO"
     "pps": "gps" | "fuzzy"

If the pps option specifies gps, a PPS is expected. It must either come from a hardware device or be simulated from a file. If the pps option specifies fuzzy, Station assumes that PPS is a highly accurate 1Hz signal which is not aligned with GPS. The global GPS time is loosely tracked by timestamps contained in LNS messages.

Development/Debug Settings

If the Station is a development / debug build, the following fields can be used to tweak its behavior for testing purposes:

   "station_conf": {
     "nocca":   false
     "nodc":    false
     "nodwell": false

If the fields nocca, nodc, and nodwell are present and are true, they will disable clear-channel analysis (e.g., listen before talk), duty cycle, and dwell-time limitations. The PARAM field holds internal configuration parameters that can be used to fine tune performance and resource consumption. The command station -p lists all of these parameters.

Radio Configuration

Stations support the concentrator reference designs v1.5 and v2. Currently, this decision is a compile-time option. The actual layout of the radio_conf field depends on the type of concentrator design supported and is discussed elsewhere (Concentrator Design (v1.5) and Concentrator Design (v2)).

   "radio_conf": { .. }
   "station_conf": {
     "device":      "FILE" | "FILEPATTERN"
     "radio_init":  "FILE"

The device field is simply an alternate place to specify the path to the SPI device that enables access to the concentrator board. In the case of multiple concentrator boards, the ‘?’ character may be used as a wildcard for the concentrator board index. The device can also be specified in the radio_conf object.

The radio_init field points to a file that is executed just before the concentrator boards are initialized. This initialization happens every time the Station connects to the LNS. This executable or script can toggle platform-specific GPIOs to reset the concentrator boards to ensure a consistent initial state. It is called with the SPI device path and, if multiple concentrator boards are configured, with the index of the concentrator board.

These settings can be overridden by the environment variable STATION_RADIOINIT and the command-line option --radio-init.

Class B Beaconing Settings

For class B beacon operation, proper time synchronization is required. The parameters radio_conf.pps and station_conf.pps are used to control the time synchronization. The parameter station_conf.gps can optionally be used to provide the source for gateway position information from a connected GPS receiver. Additionally, the parameter station_conf.BEACON_INTVL can be used to override the default beaconing interval setting. The format of the beacon frame and broadcasting parameters are controlled by the bcning field in the router_config message from the LNS.

The typical scenario for class B beacons would be the availability of a GPS receiver and PPS signal. Hence, radio_conf.pps: true and station_conf.pps: gps are the right set of parameters.

radio_conf.pps: BOOL

If true, a PPS source is assumed to be present and wired to SX130x. Station will sync to absolute GPS time using PPS signal and timesync message exchange with LNS. If station_conf.pps is not set, gps is implied, i.e., the PPS source is assumed to be a GPS receiver with PPS edges aligned with global GPS time.

station_conf.pps: gps | fuzzy

Defines the quality of the existing PPS input. Only relevant if radio_conf.pps: true. Ignored if radio_conf.pps: false. If not set gps is implied. With gps the PPS edges are aligned to global GPS time. Station will try to infer global GPS time for observed PPS edges. If set to fuzzy, the PPS edges are not aligned to global GPS time. Station will not try to infer global GPS time for observed PPS edges.

station_conf.gps: FILE

Defines the FILE or FIFO that emits NMEA messages from the GNSS receiver. Station uses this to extract LAT/LON coordinates of the gateway. This is optional for gateway operation. Station does not use the GNSS NMEA messages to infer any timing related information. Instead, time synchronization is established via timesync message exchange with the LNS.


Defines the beaconing interval. The default is 128s and should not be changed for LoRaWAN-compliant operation. However, for test purposes, other intervals may be selected. The interval can be specified as an integer number followed by a unit (d for days, h for hours, m for minutes, s for seconds, or ms for milliseconds).